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taxonomy of poetry generators part 2: Lutz’s “Stochastische Texte”

May 10, 2011

Continuing my attempt to build a taxonomy of poetry generators, I will now look at Lutz’s Stochastiche Texte.

Recall that my approach is to define a General Algorithm, and then see how various poetry generators fit into that algorithm, for comparison. I initially used variables like i, d, and r, which I’m now renaming initialize, editable, and replace.

I talked about Lutz’s algorithm before.


Logical Operators = {A, AN, EVERY, NO, NOT EVERY}



Logical Constants = {AND, OR, THEREFORE, .}

stochastic select: a method of randomly choosing an element of a set.

Print the following:

   stochastic select from Logical Operator
   stochastic select from Subject
   the string "IS"
   stochastic select from Predicate
   stochastic select from Logical Constant
   stochastic select from Logical Operator
   stochastic select from Subject
   the string "IS"
   stochastic select from Predicate
   the string "."

Figure 2.1: Algorithm for Lutz’s “Stochastic Texts”, adapted from (Lutz, 1959) (transl. Helen MacCormack, 2005).

This is a bit of a simplification in three ways. First, Lutz’s algorithm actually selected from Subject first, then selected a Logical Operator that coordinated its gender with that of the Subject. English does not have gender in this fashion, but it does make a distinction between “A” and “AN” that would need to be tracked in a similar way. Second, Lutz’s algorithm selected from Logical Constant differently than it did from the other sets; specifically, it chose a “.” with a probability of 5/8 and the other elements with a 1/8 probability each. Finally, Lutz’s implementation on a ZUSE Z22 did not stop: “The machine continues to work until it is turned off.” The algorithm above describes the generation of a single line, which would be performed repeatedly.

Lutz’s algorithm can be expressed in terms of the General Algorithm in the following way.

Given Logical Operators, Subjects, Predicates, and Logical Constants as above,

Let Template Elements be a set of strings { logical_operator_slot, subject_slot, IS, predicate_slot, logical_constant_slot, . }

Let Words = Logical OperatorsSubjectsPredicatesLogical ConstantsTemplate Elements

Let the sequence Poem be a function from {1, 2, …, 10} to Words

So a poem is going to be made up of ten parts, where each part will be one of the Words.

Let initialize be the function from Poem to the set Template Elements that defines the following sequence: (logical_operator_slot, subject_slot, IS, predicate_slot, logical_constant_slot, logical_operator_slot, subject_slot, IS, predicate_slot, .)

Let editable be an indicator function on Poem where

Ieditable(x) = { 0 if x ∈ {IS, .}
1 for all other x

Let replace be the following algorithm:

Given stochastic select as above,

Given the set Words and a wPoem, replace w with:

case w of
  logical_operator_slot:   stochastic select from Logical Operators
  subject_slot:            stochastic select from Subjects
  predicate_slot:          stochastic select from Predicates
  logical_constant_slot:   stochastic select from Logical Constants

So a poem is going to be initialized into a sequence of slot symbols representing a template. Every slot except for the word “IS” and for the period will be editable. During generation, the slots will be replaced by an appropriate subset of Words: the first slot symbol will be replaced by a Logical Operator, the second by a Subject, etc.

Now we may trace through the General Algorithm.


The initialize function defines Poem as: (logical_operator_slot, subject_slot, IS, predicate_slot, logical_constant_slot, logical_operator_slot, subject_slot, IS, predicate_slot, .).

for each revision
   for each text in Poem

There will only be one revision: replacing the template “slots” with the appropriate texts. The algorithm does this by iterating through the text elements of the poem.

      if editable(text) 

The editable indicator function replaces every slot, and leaves unchanged the two IS elements and the period. The replace algorithm changes each slot in the sequence into a word, which it selects from the approriate subset of Words.

For example, when the algorithm begins to generate a poem:

  • The editable will determine that logical_operator_slot is editable, after which replace will determine that it should be replaced by an element of Logical Operators, and stochastically select an element of that set, such as “EVERY”.
  • In the next iteration through the Poem sequence, editable will determine that subject_slot is editable, and replace will determine that subject_slot should be replaced by an element of Subjects, such as “VILLAGE”.
  • In the next iteration, editable will determine that “IS” is not editable, and leave it unchanged.
  • In the next iteration, editable will determine that predicate_slot is editable, and replace will determine that subject_slot should be replaced by an element of Predicates, such as “DARK”.

and so on.

What, you may ask, is the point? Well, ultimately I’ll want to make a table like this to classify poetry generators:

algorithm initialize editable replace replace parameter
Stochastische Texte human authored human authored stochastic (human selected)
100,000,000,000,000 Poems human authored all stochastic (human authored)
n+7 human selected algorithmic algorithmic (human selected)
Erasures human selected all human selected none
Dada none all algorithmic (human selected)
Diastics none all algorithmic (human selected)
Gnoetry none all interactive algorithmic (human selected)
Dissociated Press none all algorithmic (human selected)
MCGONAGALL none all algorithmic (human authored)
Gaiku none all algorithmic (human authored)

Still a lot of details to work out, naturally. I need to split up the replacement algorithms in a better way somehow.

Need to think this over a while.

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